Other Information
Meals and Snacks
To help ensure the safety of your family member/friend, please speak to the neighbourhood nurse before bringing food into the facility and refrain from bringing in food if they are on a modified texture diet. Food with the appropriate texture is available at the facility. We also ask you speak to the nursing staff before sharing food with other Residents at Golden Door. This allows us to ensure the safety of all Residents while eating and drinking.
A microwave is available in the family/multipurpose room.
Coffee and tea service is available in the family/multipurpose room when friends and family come to visit.
Vending machines are available for soft drinks and snacks.
Visitor meal service is available at a reasonable cost. Call Reception by 10:00 a.m. if you wish to purchase a visitor meal.
A newsletter is prepared and mailed out quarterly and keeps Residents, families and staff abreast of current developments and news within our community.
In adhering to our mission to provide a home atmosphere, Golden Door Geriatric Centre is home to a variety of pets. As well, we encourage visits from outside pets. All pets entering the facility must have current vaccinations and be in good health. A copy of the vaccination record and/or most recent health check by your veterinarian is required to meet infection control protocols. You can leave the copy with Reception or place in the mail slot at the Reception desk. In addition, we require that all pets be leashed while in the Centre and must be of an appropriate temperament.
Transportation to and from the Centre for personal outings, is your responsibility.
Handicapped Parking Passes are available at the Reception desk for temporary use if required.
To use Handi-Transit, eligibility must be established with a certificate from a health care professional. A Care Coordinator can assist you with applying for Handi-Transit services.
You may make arrangements for MTS to install a telephone in your room at your expense. A phone is also available in the library/multipurpose room.
You can have your own television hooked up to cable. This is arranged by you through the Shaw Cable your cost. Headsets will be required if the noise from your TV disturbs other residents. Large screen televisions are also available in the lounges for Resident viewing.
Delivery of newspapers may be arranged through the circulation department of the newspaper of choice. These arrangements and costs are your/your family responsibility.
Mail is delivered to you. Pre-stamped outgoing mail can be left at the reception desk. Mail for department managers or bill payment can be placed in the mail drop/suggestion box located in the front of the reception desk.
Notify family and friends of your new address which is:
c/o Golden Door Geriatric Centre
1679 Pembina Highway
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2G6 |
If you have concerns with care or services at Golden Door Geriatric Centre we are interested in hearing about them. You may bring your concerns to any staff member or complete a Care Services Concern Form (yellow form) located in the information bracket in the front vestibule or outside the nursing station. A member of the management team will investigate the concern and respond to you within three business days with their findings and an action plan.
Leaving the Centre
You may wish to leave the Centre from time to time with a friend or a visitor. If you leave the Centre for any reason you must notify the nurse in charge and sign the resident leave book. Please notify staff upon your return. Always arrange special leaves from the Centre in advance so your medications can be prepared.
The family/responsible party will be initially asked to escort the Resident to any arranged appointment. If this is not a feasible arrangement, a companion can be arranged to accompany the Resident. (A fee may apply.)
Alcoholic Beverages
All alcoholic beverages are kept locked in the medication room. The nurse will dispense any liquor ordered by your Physician. Please note that some alcohol and medications do not go well together and could make you very ill.
The cost of transportation to and from hospital is your responsibility, if the hospital stay is longer than 24 hours. If you return to Golden Door Geriatric Centre within 24 hours, the facility covers the cost.
Room Transfers
There is a waiting list available for a private room. The Centre reserves the right to transfer residents from one room to another to ensure care needs are met.
Visitor parking is located at the front of the property, off of Pembina Highway.
Hospital And Social Leaves
If you are hospitalized, your bed at the Centre will be held for 21 days. Extensions may be authorized by the Regional Health Authority. You may take a 21-day vacation each year. You can also take small leaves of three days in any week. The residential charge must be paid to the Centre during any hospital or vacation leave of absence.
Maintenance staff maintains a safe, pleasant environment in the Centre. All requests for room repairs should be made to a staff member. Any electrical equipment brought into the facility requires a maintenance check to ensure its safety prior to use. This is part of our fire protection program.
Fire & Safety
Golden Door Geriatric Centre believes in encouraging Residents to move throughout the Centre with as much freedom as possible. For your protection and safety, hallways are equipped with safety rails. Fire and emergency drills and inspections are carried out regularly at the centre. When the alarm sounds, you, your family or visitors are asked to stay where you are unless directed by a staff member.
The home is equipped with state of the art video surveillance. All exit doors are electronically locked which release upon activation of the fire protection system. The front door is equipped with a security lock system to prevent our more vulnerable residents from leaving the Centre unescorted. Please remind your visitors to not hold the door open for a resident unless authorized by reception or a nurse. The exit code for the front door is available from reception or staff members. A door bell is available to gain access after 11:30 p.m.
Golden Door Geriatric Centre is a non-smoking facility.
Preferred visiting hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Visitors are welcome and free to visit during this time. Consideration must be given to daily schedules and the needs of other residents. Therefore, the Centre recommends afternoon and early evening visiting. Children are always welcome, but must be supervised while visiting.
Overnight Room Arrangements
Special arrangements can be made with the nurse in charge for family to stay with an ill resident over night.
Provisions are made for you if you wish to vote in provincial and federal and civic elections.
Income Tax and Guaranteed Income Supplement
The completion of income tax returns is your responsibility. The Federal Government requires that you file your return by April 30th of each year. You may qualify for a refund based on the residential fee you pay. Application for Income Supplement is your responsibility. This must be completed each year before March 31st. You may also be eligible for additional tax savings with the completion of the disability certificate and involuntary separation certificate available from Revenue Canada. The Business Office will assist you if help is required.
Tips and Gratuities
Staff are employed and paid by the Centre to provide a service. We ask that gifts not be given to individual staff members. You or your family may want to contribute to our staff fund, which will be shared by all staff.
Least-Restraint Policy
The facility discourages the use of restraints. Where it is felt that a restraint is necessary, an Interdisciplinary Team will review the need for the restraint and make recommendations for the least form of restraint for the shortest period possible. You and/or your family member will be involved in this decision-making process.
Additional information can be found in the pamphlets “Restraints, What is the Right Choice” and “Safe Siderails” located in the information pamphlet holder in the family/multipurpose room.
Resident satisfaction surveys are part of our quality improvement program. You and/or your family will be asked to fill out one of these surveys following admission and on an annual basis. This will be an opportunity for you to address any concerns you may have. Management follows through each comment. Any day-to-day problems and concerns may be discussed with the charge nurse on duty. You may request a family meeting to discuss issues with representatives from several departments.